

First Calvary Ministries

Audio /Visual Ministry “ runs the sound room and records worship and ministry activities for distributions.

Contact: Bro. James Todd

Benevolence Ministry - assist with paying bills in needy situations.

Contact: Rev. Dr. Thomas Smith & Rev. Dr. Linda Smith

Bereavement Ministry - reaches out to church families when their is a death.

Contact: Pastor Thomas Smith & Sis. Georgia McNeill

Children & Youth Church - provide worship experience for our young people during morning worship.

Contact: Rev. Kenyetta Brown

Christian Education Ministry - provides unified direction that enlightens, equips, and empowers the body of Christ.

Contact: Rev. Dr. Linda Smith

College Support Ministry - seeks to provide assistance to our college students.

Contact: Rev. Dr. Linda Smith

Deacon Ministry - ministers to the needs of the church's membership and assists the Pastoral Ministry.

Contact: Deacon Robert Cameron

Deaconess Ministry - assist the Pastor and Deacon Ministry with the female membership of the church.

Contact: Deaconess Carolyn Whitaker

Evangelism Ministry - leads the church in evangelism related activities and training.

Contact: Rev. Dr. Thomas Smith, Sr.

Family Promise Ministry - helps homeless families in Lee County by providing meals and being overnight host.

Contact: Bro. Andrae McLeod and Deacon Jeffrey Love

Hospitality Ministry - extends an inviting and pleasant atmosphere of courtesy, kindness and friendship to visitors and members upon their arrival at First Calvary.

Contact: Sis. Valencia Burford

Kitchen Ministry - plans, prepares and serves food for church meals and related events.

Contact: Bro. Andrae McLeod

Men's Ministry - plans activities for men's fellowship and service.

Contact: Bro. Andrae McLeod

Missionary Ministry - connects with the local, state and national missionary convention to coordinate missionary work in the church.

Contact: Deaconess Margaret Murchison

Music Ministry - through the power of music, the Music Ministry seeks to glorify God and edify the Body of Christ.

Contact: Mr. Jasen Thompson

Nursery Ministry - provides a safe, loving and Christian environment for infants through five years of age during morning worship service.

Contact: Sis. Ruth Bland

Parking Ministry - provides assistance to members and visitors with parking for big events held at the church.

Contact: Bro. Andrae McLeod

Pastor's Aide Ministry - provides assistance to the Pastoral Ministry.

Contact: Sis. Pattie Bell

Praise Dance & Mime Ministry - celebrates the presence of God through dance, and mime.

Contact: Sis. Eisha Fox

Prayer Ministry - prays continuously for the spiritual growth and maturity of the Body of Christ.

Contact: Bro. Henry Frank McLean

Prison Ministry - seeks to encourage and minister to the local prison facility with the love and care of Jesus.

Contact: Rev. Dr. Thomas Smith, Sr.

Scholarship Ministry - considers and awards a First Calvary senior a scholarship to college.

Contact: Sis. Sabrina Wicker

Security Ministry - considers and plans for the safety and security of the church.

Contact: Bro. Andrae McLeod

Sunday School - teaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ with clarity in an atmosphere of genuine love and care.

Contact: Deacon Jeffrey Love

Transportation Ministry - provides transportation for church trips and to church on an as needed basis.

Contact: Deacon Marion Bland

Trustee Ministry - serves as spiritual leaders, physical caretakers, and legal representatives of the church.

Contact: Bro. James Siler

Usher Ministry - ministers to the needs of parishioners during worship service with a joyful and courteous spirit.

Contact: Sis. Etta Heck

Website & Social Media Ministry - updates our church website and social media pages.

Contact: Rev. Dr. Thomas E. Smith, Sr.

Women's Ministry - plans activities for women's fellowship and service.

Contact: Rev. V. Renee Harris

Youth Academy - provides mid-week activities and learning for the church youth.

Contact: Deaconess Margaret Murchison

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